nyawëh sgënö’, They WAS HERE, They ARE HERE, They WILL BE HERE FOREVER... Thanks so much!


0. Thank you so much!
Dear V.O.T.U.S&P.O.T.U.S. : Today we already walk Dog, set it up she tend to sell, and a delightful earth property deposition has taken place on the soil of Allegany Shore... Lol™.

REMOVAL TIME! ANOTHER OF OUR HUMANS HEGEMONIC MISTAKES: Believe that can somebody, or WE, build something better than trough the ramdomlyespontaneous eternalinfinitude God's creations already He did... 

0. If the Dog/Cat/Pet Whatever make healthy shit/eat/sleep, the "owners" are the same way... BUT: If there are troubles on the Pet Whatever/Cat/Dog/ butt, so the situation goes like this:

1. We were wrong. About everything about this continent, and ESPECIALLY about the HUMANS they was here before U.S.; they was self awareness, smart, strong, lovely, kindness... Because of that, WE SURVIVE... Jews, Christians, Muslims from  six (6) Eurasian Families/Languages/Cultures, We Dutch, Danish, French, English, Portuguese, Spanish... Without the kindness, loveliness, patience and generosity of The Natives, we NEVER HAS BEEN EXISTED LIKE THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA...
