So mom: imagine a guy arrive to your house and demand food, shelter, sex and Love...

As you can be sure mama, I just did what grandma teached: "just poison for some animals mija", LOL.

But was not a kind of "good idea" the way in witch I just did it: Slow... I mean mama: in front in such a ___, I was with the front row idea of enjoying been revengeful, resentful, rebad... But that it is the thing about to be your daughter: I just can not to see, like you did, scream a men in the middle of bonfire and just add some gas to the equation like you did with papa... Thanks for teaching me that was a mistake from you, like grandma with grandpa's, and like me with the guy arrive the other guy to the house and was demanding food, shelter, sex and Love... Lol.

Love you Mom!
