Dear Russian People:

Can you please came all of you to some vacation to USA?

So, basic maths; as far both of you NEVER EVER!, gonna have a open war each other (you are neighbors on the same planet, so), what about to build a ship, a plain, or a road to exchange forever the only thing allow both of you to exist (Love)?

Whatever invention could be a joint venture! We mean a real joint, like those ones just in some spots on Russia and USA you can roll... Lol.

If you guys build a plane for 142,021,981 humans, we can rent to you for our trip to there! So, we can make it together guys. And then, we can rent it to other nations too, don't you think? Lol... Well, we can build our own one, but here we are still learning from our neighbor we invade them (The Natives), and they are trying to teach to us something cool named for us "Democracy", and actually maybe we never will finish of learning because we are sloppy, and our ship for 337,341,954 humans maybe will be ready when on Washington they learn how to grow food (just let NaturGranma to be...) instead of their other business over there... Lol.

Come to visit guys! We Love You!
