Second Homeless Festival, Jamestown - New York , 31Water Street, 7 AM - 11 PM...

Hey guys!

We are here, trying not to see each other again on the streets: you with your faces of concern about our safeness, and us with our faces of shame about still been in the exactly same place since the last time we see each other... Thanks guys: for some of us your presence is more like a pro than a contra: some blue code, some ride to home, and even some cash assistance that time of the best day of the year ever... Maybe those are some of the memories of the harvest of some of us about our journey to ourselves and some time we cross some humans on cars, bikes, horses or walking with codes, smiles and a hi or good bye in good willingness, when all of us we was crossing  our paths on the same life the other day... Thanks for that day when you help us... On our way to home, we never forget a nice hello.

We want to cook for you some on: and the day we could is next Monday August 29 of 2.022, since 7 AM, we will be on the block of 31Water St, on The Second Homeless Festival of Jamestown.

See you then guys. This is a Self Recovery Homeless Situation: We can recover from what ever we want if we want too. And we want. Thanks for your support back then. Thanks. And let us to share with you, for one day, some of the Service advocacy you engage every single day of your lives...


