
Showing posts from August, 2022

So: On the morning The Police arrive...

Obviously we are omitting the whole set of details it occurred on an American bridge at night with half or a dozen of humans they are not allowed, by the society, be part of it anymore... "Homeless" , the society call them... Their owns daughters, sons... What a Society of us guys, Lol. She was precious: the good thing about a female police on the force, is that in certain occasions, we will like "to do something wrong" for having the excitement of been touch of such humans...  Any way: she ask name, date of birth, and we answer... Then she ask what we was doing there, and we answer... "Umm", was her expression... Suddenly arrive a coworker of her... No news... Then she left... End of a history here. After they leave, we star to work: we imagine a Water Park on Water Street... "Cool" a neighbor crossing on bike with two baby girls they said... We took the old tires and we spread it on the top area of the lot, because could be like a Panoramic Dec...

New Tomorrow Enactors!

Disclaimer Advertisement: We intent to create lawful business/strategies/axioms for rebuilt our lives on new foundations. We will be gathering on the intent to exercise our first amendment on The Second Homeless Festival of Jamestown, on the side walks of Water and Windsor Streets, since 7 AM on 8/29/2.022, on the mean while we wait for our beloved neighbors, The Police Chief & Sheriff Crew... We love you guys: we will be neighbors forever.

We do not see this coming: RECOVERY IS A CHOICE!... Thanks... The Second Homeless Festival Of Jamestown... Next Monday!, August 29 of 2.022, in 31 Water Street, from 7:00 AM with some breakfast...


A Humans Free Workers™ Park on Jamestown!?

There are Plenty of Vacant City of Jamestown Lots... And if We The Homeless People from Jamestown joint efforts with other people/institutions/agencies, and we help them to help us to build permanent housing/steady way of living solutions for us? We can recover from whatever we want... and we want too! 7 Days until it will be starting The Second Homeless Festival of Jamestown, 31 Water St, 8/29/2.022, 7 AM - 11 PM...

Humans Free Workers™

  Living Loving Serving... Nosotros no trabajamos por que nos pagan, trabajamos porque nos hace conectar sonriendo gracias al espontáneo momento aleatorio que la infinita eternidad prodiga en el instante y en gracia percibimos y transmitimos simultáneamente esa connatural risa es la algarabía del principio del sonido, que es el silencio, del que está lleno la gracia divina... (...) Each meal is the result of those dances of willingness they/it make possible From Each Seed the Divine Algorithm it created to enjoy a Bowl of Meal... Thanks to every single step of that Divine Algorithm, and those steps ones presents previous permanents efforts and on joyful willingness of every possibly hug that became kiss on each bite for every soul is participating on the love is served on St. Susan Center on Jamestown, New York(...)

The Second Homeless Festival of Jamestown, New York, 8/29/2.022,. 7 AM - 11 PM...

There will be happening too, The Second Breading Dog Conference Looking for Female Dog Companionship: In The Pursuit of The Perfect Relationship with a Female Dog...  Another After Coffee Talk from Black Widow & Winter Soldier... From J&C.

Second Homeless Festival, Jamestown - New York , 31Water Street, 7 AM - 11 PM...

Hey guys! We are here, trying not to see each other again on the streets: you with your faces of concern about our safeness, and us with our faces of shame about still been in the exactly same place since the last time we see each other... Thanks guys: for some of us your presence is more like a pro than a contra: some blue code, some ride to home, and even some cash assistance that time of the best day of the year ever... Maybe those are some of the memories of the harvest of some of us about our journey to ourselves and some time we cross some humans on cars, bikes, horses or walking with codes, smiles and a hi or good bye in good willingness, when all of us we was crossing  our paths on the same life the other day... Thanks for that day when you help us... On our way to home, we never forget a nice hello. We want to cook for you some on: and the day we could is next Monday August 29 of 2.022, since 7 AM, we will be on the block of 31Water St, on The Second Homeless Festival of J...

Second Homeless Festival, Jamestown-NewYork, 8/29/22, 31 Water St, 7 AM - 11 PM...


Second Homeless Festival, Jamestown-New York, 8/29/22, 31 Water St, 7 AM - 11 PM...


Second Homeless Festival, Jamestown-New York, 8/29/22, 31 Water St, 7 AM - 11 PM...


Segundo Festival de Vagabundos. Jamestown - New York. Agosto 29 de 2.022 7AM-11PM.


Thanks Beth... WeLoveYou...

Poray fue por éstas días y semanas que confluímos húmedas las bocas hambrientas de lenguas embadurnadas... De ganas por amar represadas... En Represas de las Valdés amansadas... En aguas claras negras de apariencia estancadas... Profundas y contundentas como las argumentas de aquellas hembras cuando hablan o cantan lo que piensan y sienten en silencio lleno de algarabía a través de los ojos calladas...  Bella: aquí con algún aburrimiento de esos que tú ni te los imaginas porque para eso potente imbatible forma de vida con proyecto propio eres... Qué vaina acompañarte desde el recuerdo y las ganas: TE AMO PERUANA HERMOSA!