Bill from Cattaraugus County to some Life Form...

Dear Jessica Leavitt: since February 1 of 2.022 when she D.O.T.I. tooked two passports, one american visa, one NYD Learner Permit and 300 bucks and she leaves without saying good bye, living on streets has been difficult...

Faraway from the "adventure" since April 10 2.021 until that day, when back them that friday like a heroine valquiria the Cattaraugus Social Service entitle you to help me with a couple of toilet paper and a blanket and some astronauts food... I miss that ages of freedom on the whole county for me... On that ages I used to have a name: "who the f*ck is this guy", used to ask to their selves whatever receptionists on a Hotel, a Police in their desk or Patrol car, or just the new entry level person on the Catt County front desk...

Not any more Dear Jessica: after almost one year leaving here, on the Violent Human Jungle named "street of whatever county of the states", where mankind chase their lost ghosts souls without forgive on themselves,  on the stetic of bodies dressing disguises of Police, Prostitutes and Thief, is just HORRIBLE DEAR JESSICA! LIVING 

I will love living on this county Jessica. Not in the street=HELL!; I said and I repeat: IN THE LOVELY  COUNTY OF CATTARAUGUS.
After a year, now I have an idea about "who is the cop, who is the whore, who is the thief" on  county streets: is the perfect information for invest US Dollars on the properly corner of whatever place of the world...

I love you. Thanks for your honest smile always since almost a year ago. Please: can you to extend this words to Laury&Larry, and Sheriff Office and Officers Staff from the County, Carmen and Lisa, and every single cool people help me out this last whole year to survive im the ugliest jungle of sh*t I ever met before? Love you guys! Thanks so much.

I hope to see you soon on my visit to the county... Not to the county streets anymore: there they never heard about NYS or US Constitution, Bill of Rights, Bible, Coran or Tora or nothing like that... Jungle... Streets... Aww...
 P.D.: Thanks James's Grandpa&Grandma for moving faraway from the violence back them on the chilhood of James... Today I saw a proud smiling person on him... Smilingly: the perfect mark about a joyful heart. Thanks travelers grandpas&grandmas from all times...
