Colette Tomolonis: what about women telling the history of mens? We W.a.n.n.a.! hear it!

El Chamullo de la Mercancia, de acuerdo a lo que arrojaron las investigaciones profundas en la piel de un extinto en su propio ego planeta llamado Tierra, arrojaron que fue confeccionado por algun tipo de escritura quimica a traves de un dispositivo aplicador de identidad en forma de falo, con el cual dictaban sus deseos, caprichos y juicios los portadores de aquel dispositivo violento obligador de identidad de aquella esferica azul acuosa suspendida en el espacio esfera, con tintes verdes en un tercio de su superficie...

Any way: conoci a The Lovelly Intellectual en The Collective Bar en Brattelboro, un pueblo de hipies, progesistas, utopicas almas y errantes borrachos en uno de los 50 estados de aquel territorio llamado Los Estados Unidos De America. 
Es un pueblo en que la gente esta lista para ayudar: esa noche, deje el bar con la tranquilidad de estar a pasos de mi hotel ("The Hotel Pharmacy") que en lo absoluto era un hotel, sino una iglesia reciclada a una farmacia... Cosas de pueblos de progresistas, hipies, utopicas almas y errantes borrechos, asumo.


  1. Of the 5 or 9 thousand cultures on the Water Planet Earth, there are thousands they are female oriented/managemental/thinker... Not on English, Dutch, French, Portuguese, Spanish, Danish: we are hegemonic cultures, within the idea of control or advantage among other like natural on their everyday life. Paying taxes, having school, police, government: a high-end system oriented to control and advantage others using language, violence and intentions, for self-interest, of for friends and family advantage. Why on the "Planet Earth", there are human without any "Earth", and they need to allow other take advantage or control of their lives for having "the right" to live?
    We are thousands of cultures we do not understand, and we do not want to understand, how in cultures with smart set of emotions and thoughts, humans get along with the idea of having everyday life with the tools of control or advantage among them.
    If women are vessel, sustain and origin of human life, and even FOOD of human life in their first stages: HOW COULD BE POSSIBLE THEY ARE NOT AT THE SAME TIME THE FIRST WORD ABOUT THE WORLD?

    Whatever they have to say about us, about us the males than handled the daily use and perfection of the control or advantage tools, the path to the liberation of the chains of violence and disrespect and no empathetic way of interaction it will be open when women and men on the cultures like ours on English, Danish, Portuguese, Spanish, Dutch and French, engage at ones and forever a way of daily life based on honest, deep, friendly conversations about our behaviors with each other's.

    Sometimes I have been violent, disrespectful, non-empathetic on my interactions with women and others my whole life. And you never need to be on that way with somebody. When you learn about life on English, Spanish, Danish, Portuguese, French, or Dutch you can get your whole life on the basis that daily violent behavior between women and men is normal. And suddenly, you realize there are thousands of cultures is not, and we citizens of "advances cultures" with Europeans languages we do not have a clue about it. Because looks like somebody never talk about it, or for some reason we do not engage interest on learning languages and cultures in Wich such violent behavior is not normal at all. But now I do not want been anymore student and practitioners of ways of interactions are not based on love and empathy, on competition and winners' way of life above whatever, even others feeling and thoughts. Not anymore.

    Maybe whatever day is a good day for start again. I am sorry. Thanks to every woman they show me the path to the empathy world. To the honest talking, just with the heart because there is not anything else than that. I hope to learn fast and accurate. Human interactions just can be about love. Not control or advantage for any reason on the table could be allowed. Just Love. Empathy. Heart.

    Thank Colette.


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