
Zero Night: Blue Code...

It is so funny: some times, if you are enough lucky for been born and raise on a small community town and you decide been for a while a Police, and you take the calls for example on the station, or you are on the patrol on the street, some of the person that call us, or that we found out on street on some situation and they decide to ask for help, are the sames ones they vote candidates support "defund the police"... Lol.

Any Way, The Police: somebody pay to them for administrate the violence enough keep them, you and other safe... What a Job Compadre, poor the cultures they have a "job" like that in their cotidianity, could you imagine how difficult must to be a Cop?. Wow guys, thanks by your job, and some of us we just came from "the jungle" in witch we never saw any other species making "societies" for to create  job positions like that one, been a Police, we mankind we created... Why we created something is not fun for the persons they do it, or for the other one receive the "attention" of the other person?. Any way: the jungle is on fire all over the world, and some we life forms from that places just decide to do this: walk the earth on the meanwhile is allowed like since forever a entity not human it created it... Without you, Not Human Entity, there are not W.i.n.t.e.r..!, Numbers, Zero, Nights, Colors, Blue, Planet, Universe, Life, Language...

Cherokee Nations on North Carolina: thanks so much for the birth of a baby years ago, and them that baby years and years ago has a grandson, and that one never forget where he came from... From a NaturGrandma! And all of us, if we are enough honest, we need to acknowledge we came from that place: Love...
