
Showing posts from November, 2021

Kandinsky: Gracias compa...

Las recordaciones de antes de la hegemonia y el control (aquellas de la infancia donde aun se podia fluir sin la vana egolatra obtusa ilogica idea de la finitud del espacio, de la materia o del tiempo), se cuelan por todas partes: las culturas donde existen colegios, hospitales, ejercitos, esas como las nuestras donde es "normal" contar y limitar cosas infinitas (la materia, el espacio, el tiempo), estan especializadas en "corregir" a la edad cuando aun no se elige la solemnidad por encima de la alegria, y donde la sensacion comun a las especies vivas que es la empatia con el contorno del instante presente no se ha...

Ella No Entiende

Se hacen eternas Cuando las quieren Y siempre viven Y nunca mueren Cuando se duermen Son indefensas Y se despiertan Cuando las piensas Si las atacan Y las defienden Las más valiosas Nunca se venden Alcanzan todo lo que deseas Así de grandes son las ideas

Estas por todas partes, las partes me distrajeron de verte...


Life is just a while but love is forever...

There are so much version of the reality that you can believe: just take a look on those life forms they can have other life forms inside of them by months... Before that, they used to call their selves females, women, but suddenly their senses and thoughts get so complex, powerful, their self-awareness get so deeply onto nature, onto other life forms, until the point they realize they going to be FOOD! by their self to feed the life forms is inside them, and so they arrive to that realization or we arrive to that realization about them... They are not just a regular life forms, they evolves to  protect, teach, feed that another life forms inside of them with their own body: MOMS! HAPPY THANKSGIVING! There are thousands of places in which the race war was ended ages ago: on those places, all the life forms from all colors they decided just making a rainbow of babies off all the colors, and then was born, plus dozens other areas, Western New York, Olean Area, Tops Cashiers, Apprenti...

Your welcome NaturGrandma!


Thanks Sister...


The Craiglist Father...


Now we can walk again...

  ... There are trees at front where to go...

Segunda noche at "The Jubilemos Al Tatayo Reservation".



Zero Night: Blue Code ... It is so funny: some times, if you are enough lucky for been born and raise on a small community town and you decide been for a while a Police, and you take the calls for example on the station, or you are on the patrol on the street, some of the person that call us, or that we found out on street on some situation and they decide to ask for help, are the sames ones they vote candidates support "defund the police"... Lol. Any Way, The Police : somebody pay to them for administrate the violence enough keep them, you and other safe... What a Job Compadre, poor the cultures they have a "job" like that in their cotidianity, could you imagine how difficult must to be a Cop?. Wow guys, thanks by your job, and some of us we just came from "the jungle" in witch we never saw any other species making "societies" for to create  job positions like that one, been a Police, we mankind we created... Why we created something is not fun...

Another weekend for enjoy again... Thanks NaturGrandma!


We are the result of...


BFC: For the lovely smart girl mother of so many, Whitney Field...

  Excuses: what is the relationship between it and reality and imagination? Because let's think: what do you think if some of your crew members accomplish a field or office operation goal, call at the last moment and say they are not gonna arrive on time or do not show up at all because "she?he?they?it?" feeling Depressed? Excuses: where is the “frontier” between the human and the life form accuracy of a reason or information somebody else provides about why she?he?they? does it deserve the “privilege” of not being kicked out because they do not show up on time for a game changing situation/operation in the company/cooperative/endeavor? Excuses: what is the exact mechanism that allows some participants of an institution or team to figure for themselves, and other ones need full help, and there are others they do not care about both?. In whatever of three or more situation, even a Coop is human institution with measurable goals on time, quantity and quality about reach som...

Gracias Hanna!


