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Rafi's Platter: Emotional Prospection of one Aleph to The Joy of Life on Olean - New York...

Everybody is alive over there: sometimes the salmon, and even the lobster, they call from the freezer asking about when they going to be out to having fun on the kitchen taking shower of fire for been ready and getting to the belly of amazing humans, those ones that love then so much and they just come to the place because of them... All the ingredients are happy and sometimes they cannot wait until Chef, Xanders or somebody else put temperature, cuts, powders and liquids and submerge them on oil or in water or put to take a hot ride to the flat or to the grill or to the pans on the dance of movement with suddenly fire flame companion when the shake of the pan and the mood of the cooker and the oil and the fire are all together in so good synchrony, that create that instantly firefoodworks that paint the whole kitchen by 1 or 2 seconds with a crispy sound and an orange flame of alquimic magic of the ancient tradition of to convert the nature in special flavors, textures and colors for the delightful taste of somebody that make possible all of us have jobs, shelter, food, vitality for ourselves, our love ones, others around us...

That is the emotional situation of the ingredients: the workers are in another mood.

In a way, the workers are the middle man between the ingredients and the clients. Without them, the wine cannot be out from the bottle to the cup, the salmon cannot arrive in the pan, the pita bread cannot get hot in a plate, the humus will not be born from the blender with their other ingredients friends...

Is it possible to avoid a middle man between the clients and the ingredients? In this dimension, that look has no so much future: let take a look about the relation between the workers and the owners.

The owners, they are the middle man between the ingredients and the workers and the clients, because they engage in a direct relationship with the other middle men of everything, and it is a mandatory middle man, not an optional, or you will be in Jail or Dead: The State.

Well, so far, we can now make some math about the "actors and actresses" about the Aleph to The Joy of Life on Rafi's Platter: The Ingredients, The Workers, The Clients, The Owners, The State... Are we missing something? 

Without one ingredient, a "simple" option of the menu is not anymore complete. It will be the same whatever menu option at Rafi's without Pita bread when it is included in that one? I am just asking. But let's see: Will Rafi's Platter be possible without one of the "actors and actresses" mentioned in the previous paragraph?

Ingredients, Workers, Clients, Owners, State... Are we missing something? Oh! The Profits!. Well, that one is for the Owners... Oh! The Wages!, Well, that one is for the Workers... Oh!, the Taxes!. Well, those are for the State... Oh! the ingredients! Well: they came from nature, just she makes it, and they are for who ask everyday about it, for those ones came to the place and make possible exist humans with the name of workers, other with the name of owners, and even the existence of something is just an idea and not a material thing in self, the state: THE INSTINCT OF EAT FROM CLIENTS MAKE ALL THE OTHER ACTORS AND ACTRESSES EXIST... 

So: Rafi's Platter exists because of an instinct? YES! What make possible EVERYTHING EXIST, is NaturGranma, Nature, nothing mankind can control and they can just flow on it, and Clients and Ingredients they met 6 or 7 days all weeks all over the planet in special places where humans with the name of workers, other with the name of owners, both make possible other humans experience the work in that ingredients make it them available for the nutrition of the place where life live: THE BODY. 

Rafi's Platter: One Aleph to The Joy of Life on Olean - New York...

It does not matter if we are clients, owners, workers: all of us have bodies. Bodies work EXACTLY THE SAME IN ALL THE ACTORS OR ACTRESSES. The metabolism of Kamala Harrys, Amber and Jennifer is exactly the same. Equal to Joe Biden, Chef and Kip. An Aloha Small, or a Humus, gets into the body and then gets out to the body through the same holes on the top and on the bottom of the body...

What makes us alive is NaturGrandma (she has/makes water, food and air, nobody else has/does) and not the human idea about something else ("money", "state"). Whatever other than Nature, it is something that just exists like a non-material idea in our evolved mind about an imagination trick; ideas it does not exist at all like a material thing like us, or the ingredients, or the tools for to convert ingredients on assimilate food... 


We forget about the body. Long time ago we did. Wages, Profits, Taxes: that are names we invented in the pursuit to believe we are something else that we are, ourselves, humans, bodies, life forms. On the pursuit of wages, profits and taxes (imagination ideas then we already believe are real because we all agree about they are "true", and it are so old that we just forget we invented all of them), we forget the first thing we are is bodies on permanently interaction, and that interaction is not optional: it is mandatory in our own nature like life forms. We need each other. Bodies need other bodies, other humans, other life forms around, it is the kind of life form we are. Looks like we need "the money": state, owners and workers we are all together doing something to get that tool of exchange and have a life allegedly because of it. But if in the pursuit of that money we lost our path to our own bodies, and the body needs permanent interaction with others, maybe all of us can become just a version of what makes us humans, alive, life forms, persons...

There is a place in Olean New York open 6 days a week. There, happens in American culture, the western culture, and Pakistani culture: work for wages, work for profits, work for taxes. It is a free will election of life of more than a dozen of humans bringing  their bodies to the ancient interaction of recreate a package of algorithms to make possible to create, on a plate, thousands of years of thousands of ancients cultures: the Small Aloha, needs mankind learn first how to catch those animals from the sea, how to harvest wheat and make flour from it, how to rise and collect eggs from chickens females, how to create oil from seed and boiling something on it, how to cut in so little pieces other seeds for cover the shrimp (the coconut)... And then, "magic": in 10 or 15 minutes after they ask for it, the body of a human going to eat something required the ancient work culture of different cultures by thousands of years to make it possible. 

The work culture of persons who on their own, decide and succeed about building a place to work for themselves: the owners, and they went away with the profits. The work culture of persons decides to learn how to do something productive with somebody else: the workers, and they go away with the wages. "The work" of an idea about to create a scenario for peace without war by the natural resource: the state, and they get away with taxes...

Rafi's Platter: One Aleph to The Joy of Life on Olean - New York...

What does' The Joy of Life'' mean? Each and Every One of us, maybe yes or no, like the song of Everything but The Girls, has an answer for it. But in all the scenarios, we are the only thing we have for ourselves: interact with each other, and without that it does not exist in human life at all. Not wages, not profits, not taxes. That is not the version of life of a culture meet 6 days a week on 800 Wayne St. at Olean New York, and it is impossible for all actors to exist, there and whatever else, without the other ones: interaction, relations, work...

Clients, Owners, Workers: because how we are raised and where we came from, we try to see the situation from the point of view of our fellow ingredients, they are like our brothers and sisters, we love them, we love you. The ingredients communicate to you with flavors, colors, textures, and we do with words. And since we see the emotional situation of your bodies, all your needs are massages, workout, vacations, movies, sleep time, rest. Yes guys, we already know maybe this is not "our business" in your American way of thinking. But that is the thing: there are still humans from other cultures alive, and in those cultures like where we came from, the first thing exists is the body, and the relation of that one with other bodies, and then the relation of that relations with NaturGrandma. Over here in America it is like she does not exist, and then your culture creates something you already like and embrace it called money, created for a thing that does not create nothing and collect for everything humans take or use from NaturGrandma: the state. But since we engage the perception, it just exists the body, the relations of that one with other ones, and NaturGrandma, where everything happens and where everything comes from.  

What is an Aleph to The Joy of Life?

A spot in space brings us to that place in which life lives: LOVE. And the way to arrive over there used to be the language. But not the human version of language based on self-interest (wages, profits, taxes), instead the language based on empathy. Just for an instant, maybe so short than that crispy sound of orange flames on the pan sometimes, about how to be in harmony with somebody other than myself. How will it be an owner? How will be a worker? How will it feel being a Tax Auditor? Well, the last one does not look like so fun, Lol. But we can and we need to engage the road to the first both questions. We need each other, workers and owners. And in all scenarios, clients come and go sometimes different and sometimes the same, but we are the same ones all day together by hours... Love, Language, Talk, Empathy: Life lives on the instant of the present moment, then goes away and comes again over and over and over... Nobody but us can help improve our quality of life over here compared to my comadres. State business is another one of our wellness, they want their taxes and that is it. Clients business is another one that is our wellness, they want to enjoy it and that is it. Owner and Workers have more in common than three letters on the two words: we share preciousness time together, a lot of time. Both of us pursue something it is impossible to reach without the other one. So, what we going to do with the other partner on the boat drifting through the eternity and the endless until we arrive at our destiny?...


  1. Esto, es también una llama encendida. No de la razón que ilumina y responde. Es preguntas. Es pensamiento sensitivo.
    El sol dirige una academia de miembros con diferentes formas de conciencia.
    Gracias por compartir este texto


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