(...)"Before kill them, you must please them", says TH to the two children, TS&TM, before reading to them the books of the season before bedtime.

-How can we kill them if we are pleasing them? Asked TS.

-Yes: How we can do that, shifting from comfort to the death without they notice or suspect about it? remarked TM. 

"With the distraction tool on the box of tricks", answered TH. "Whatever situation, you never must stop distracting them... In that way, it will be safe for both of you kill them in any moment without no problem at all", answered TH(...)



Books of the season Before Bedtime for TS&TM: 

0. An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations, by Adam Smith...  

1. Das Kapital. Kritik der politischen Ɩkonomie, by  Karl Marx...
